Konstantin Kisin's reflection on his transition to "lapsed atheism" offers important topics to raise in discussing faith with nonbelievers.
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All human beings are intended to share forever in the eternal circulation of love that is the essence of the divine life. Only within the divine life, only as “blood circulating in the Body of the cosmic Christ,” will we find our ultimate fulfillment.
This article can be read at "Blood Circulating in the Body of the Cosmic Christ" is an excerpt from my recently published book, The Book of Love: Brief Meditations ( Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash God’s dramatic calling of the young man who would become one of the greatest Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, and that man’s response to God’s call, can guide all of us as we strive to respond to God’s call in our own lives. This article is posted at
Photo by Nick Kwan on Unsplash God invites all of us to share forever in the divine life of the Trinity, a life that consists in the eternal exchange of the gift of self.
This article can be read at "The Eternal Circulation of Love" is an excerpt from my recently published book, The Book of Love: Brief Meditations ( Photo by Sharon Santema on Unsplash We are all on a journey (whether we realize it yet or not): a journey ad Amorem, a journey toward Love, a journey back to the God who is love.
This article can be read at "Journey ad Amorem" is an excerpt from my recently published book, The Book of Love: Brief Meditations ( Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash |
Rick Clements, Ph.D.
Rick writes and speaks about topics related to the Catholic faith, with a particular focus on the ways in which a rediscovery of beauty, goodness, and truth can help to revitalize our lives and our culture. Archives
October 2024
Header photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash
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