Rick is available to speak to your group or organization on a variety of topics, including:
- The theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar (Pope Saint John Paul II's favorite theologian) and its application to Christian discipleship and evangelization; e.g., “Twelve Words to Transform Our Lives and Our Culture from Balthasar’s Theology of Love”
- The topic of love, drawing insights regarding love from Hans Urs von Balthasar, Josef Pieper, Thomas Aquinas, Pope Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, C. S. Lewis, and other thinkers; e.g., “Life as a School of Love: Insights from Saints and Sages"
- Evangelizing/transforming our culture via a rediscovery of the beautiful, the good, and the true; e.g., “Re-enchanting a Disenchanted World: Rediscovering Beauty, Goodness, and Truth” and “The Flight from Beauty as a Flight from God: Contemporary Culture’s Desecration of Beauty”
- Prayer; e.g., “Transform Your Prayer Life into a Life of Prayer” and “A Contemplative Pause: Tips and Guidelines for Contemplative Prayer from Hans Urs von Balthasar”
- Spirituality; e.g., “Blood Flowing in the Body of the Cosmic Christ: A Mission-Focused Spirituality” and “Keeping the Faith in an Increasingly Anti-Christian World”
- Parenting from a Catholic perspective and from Rick's perspective as a clinical psychologist and father of five; e.g., “Raising Good Catholic Kids Who Will Raise Good Catholic Kids” and “Soulcraft: The Art of Parenting”
- Scripture; e.g., “A Deep Dive into the Gospel of John”
© Richard Clements