We all face a fundamental choice in life: Am I going to live primarily for myself, or am I going to live primarily for others (e.g., for God, for my spouse, for my children, for my friends, for my church, for my community, for my country, for the common good of humanity, etc.)? The choice each of us makes here will determine not only the basic tone and quality of our everyday lives, but also our ultimate destiny: whether we will find our “true selves” and attain deep and lasting happiness.
This article can be read at
We are most fully alive when we are “breaking ourselves open and pouring ourselves out” in loving self-gift to God and neighbor.
This article can be read at "Love Is Life that Pours Itself Forth" is an excerpt from my latest book, The Book of Love: Brief Meditations ( Photo by Henrique Jacob on Unsplash |
Rick Clements, Ph.D.
Rick writes and speaks about topics related to the Catholic faith, with a particular focus on the ways in which a rediscovery of beauty, goodness, and truth can help to revitalize our lives and our culture. Archives
October 2024
Header photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash
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